SB660i5 Description
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Pizarron Electronico SMART TECHNOLOGIES SB660i5 Interactivo 64"
Con Proyector Integrado UF75
Precio en USD Dólares
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SB660i5 Description The SMART SB660i5 is a combination package that includes the SMART SB660 interactive whiteboard and SMART UF75 projector. The SMART Board SB660 interactive whiteboard connects to your computer and a projector. With the touch of a finger, group members can interact with display materials and their finger becomes the mouse if desired. The group can write with digital ink over anything and save their notes to a single file for easy distribution. In additon, the ability to wirelessly connect laptops and transfer control of the interactive whiteboard between users is provided. Free software upgrades and an expansion slot for future hardware additions ensures that as your organization grows, your interactive whiteboard grows with you. The accompanying SMART UF75 projector features native XGA 1024 × 768 display resolution and also provides native WXGA 1280 × 800 widescreen display resolution (SB685 and SB885 models only). |
SB660i5 Specifications