SBX885i5 Description
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Pizarron Electronico SMART TECHNOLOGIES SBX885i5 Interactivo
Con Proyector Integrado UF75W
Precio Academico en USD Dólares
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SBX885i5 Description The SMART SB885i5 is a combination package that includes SmartBoard X885 Interactive whiteboards and the UF75w projector. The SMART Board X885 is an 87" interactive whiteboard with 16:10 aspect ratio that supports multiuser writing and common multitouch gestures currently recognized in Microsoft® Windows 7 and Mac Snow Leopard operating systems. The touch gesture capabilities of the SBX885 make it easy for you to toss, rotate or zoom in on lesson content, or control applications. The SMART UF75W - WXGA 2500 Lumen UST DLP Projector offers improved shadow reduction and enhanced brightness, and it’s both 3D and HD ready. It has a throw distance of approximately 2’ (0.6 m), provides 2,500 lumens in standard mode and projects crisp images with high contrast and color quality. The projector can display both 3D lesson content and high-definition video, and has an HDMI input. |
SBX885i5 Specifications