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Pizarron Electronico SMART TECHNOLOGIES
Precio en USD Dólares
Este producto se maneja sobre pedido
y es necesario confirmar existencias con la marca
Size 423/8" W × 281/4" H × 41/2" D
(107.7cm× 71.7cm× 11.5cm)
Activescreen size 42" (106.7cm)diagonal
Weight 29lb. 2oz. (13.2kg)
Shipping size 525/8" W × 321/2" H × 43/4" D
(133.7cm× 82.7cm× 12cm)
Shipping weight 42lb. 12oz. (19.4kg)
Installation Canbeinstalledonawall-mountedflat-panel
display (wall mountinghardwareisn’t included)
(not included).
technology DViT™(Digital Vision Touch)technology
Touch resolution 2000× 2000touchpoints
Touch inputarea 5mmorgreater.
Accepts touchby fingerorincludedpen.
Touch response
time Typically 14ms
Multitouch Supports multitouchgestures forWindows®
is installed. SeetheSMARTBoard400series
interactivedisplay overlay user’s guide
SP2 and Windows 7 operating systems (32-bit and 64bit)
learning software release notes for
notes for additional computer
Storage and operating requirements
provides power through the included USB cable.
at 5% to 98% relative humidity, non-condensing
10% to 90% relative humidity, non-condensing